This article provides instructions on how to correct publication logos that appear incorrectly. It includes the necessary information you need to provide to get the logos fixed.
Sometimes publication logos show up incorrectly. To get them fixed, write to help@contently.com with the following information:
- Publication name
- Link to publication homepage
- Link to your article on the publication's website
- A link or attachment to the correct logo
We'll take care of it on our end, and your publications will look spiffy and spruced up in no time!
Note: If your desired logo is not the domain's standard logo, we might not be able to use it, since that change will affect all users with that logo on their portfolio.
This article explains how to correct publication logos by contacting help@contently.com with the publication name, homepage link, article link, and the correct logo. Note that non-standard logos may not be used.