This article provides guidance on how to communicate with your Creative Lead (for your publication, that may mean a Managing Editor, Multimedia Project Manager, Art Director, etc) once you are staffed on a publication. It includes tips on what to include in your introductory message.
The Creative Lead is usually your point-of-contact on a publication and the best person to reach out to if you have any questions about the publication's content strategy or process. Once you're staffed, we recommend sending a quick message to your Creative Lead to introduce yourself and to show that you're excited to get started on the publication.
Not sure what to really include in the message? Here are our suggestions:
Short bio: Highlight your topics of expertise, skills, and what formats you're most comfortable with.
Availability: It'll be helpful for your Creative Lead to know when you'll be free to work on stories. They can keep you in mind for any future work.
Questions: If you have any starting questions about the publication, this is your chance. Additionally, let them know that if they have any questions about your background, you're more than happy to answer.
Please keep in mind that our Creative Leads are handling more than one publication and communicating with multiple contributors, so it may take some time before they're able to get back to you. Don't be afraid of following up!
This article explains how to effectively communicate with your Creative Lead by sending an introductory message. It includes tips on what to include in the message, such as a short bio, your availability, and any questions you may have. Remember to be patient as Creative Leads handle multiple publications and contributors.