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AEM Integration Guide


This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to install, configure, and use Contently's AEM connector. It covers the integration setup, package installation, AEM configuration, Contently Cloud Service configuration, and mapping creation.



Contently offers support for AEM versions 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5 in both Classic UI and Touch UI.



Contently’s AEM integration — also known as Contently’s AEM connector — helps teams create new AEM pages using content from Contently. When you create a new page in AEM, the integration automatically pull your Contently content, metadata, and assets for you. Also, your page properties and component fields will be filled in.

The following sections walk through how to install, configure, and start using the Contently connector. This guide is written for your AEM team to follow. We’ve called out certain sections that should be completed with the help of someone who is also familiar with Contently.

  1. Integration Set Up

  2. Contently Package Installation

  3. AEM Configuration

  4. Contently Cloud Service Configuration

  5. Mapping Creation

Note: If you need any more information, please consult our AEM Technical Manual and AEM FAQ pages.



Integration Set Up

To follow the steps in this section, you will need admin privileges in AEM.


Add the AEM integration to your Contently account

To start, please make sure someone with access to Contently follows these instructions to add the AEM integration to your Contently account.


Add the Contently Package to AEM's Package Manager

Before you can install the Contently connector on your AEM instance, you need to add the package to your AEM Package Manager. To do this, you can either download the package from Adobe’s Package Share or download the zip file directly from Contently. We've included instructions for each option below.

Note: To read more about packages, visit Adobe's documentation.


How to Download via Package Share

  1. Navigate to the Contently connector in Adobe’s Package Share on your author instance. Launch Package Share and search for Contently by going to "Tools" on the AEM welcome screen.

  2. Click "Download" and accept the Package License Agreement to begin downloading.

  3. Once the package is ready, the "Download" link will now say "Downloaded." Click the "Downloaded" button go to the CRX Package Manager. Once there, you will be ready to install the Contently package and jump to the "Install the Contently Package" section below.

Note: For help, visit Adobe’s Package Share instructions.


How to Download via .zip file

1. Download the Contently package.

2. In your AEM author instance, navigate to the CRX Package Manager (/crx/packmgr/index.jsp). Click the "Upload Package" button.

3. Upload the zip folder that you downloaded in step 1 and click "OK." If you already have the Contently connector installed and would like to reinstall it, check the box next to "Force Upload." Once the package is uploaded, you will be ready to install the Contently package and proceed to the next step.

Note: For help, visit Adobe’s instructions for “Uploading Packages from Your File System.”



Contently Package Installation

The next two subsections will walk you through how to install and verify the Contently package.


How to install the Contently package

1. In the CRX Package Manager (/crx/packmgr/index.jsp), you should see the new package named contently.all. To install the connector, click the "Install" link next to the package.

2. Once installed, you will see three Contently packages in the CRX Package Manager: contently, contently.config, and contently.content.


How to verify the installation

After you install the Contently connector, there are two ways to verify that your installation was successful.

1. Navigate to Cloud Services in AEM (/etc/cloudservices.html) and look for Contently under the "Third Party Services" heading.

2. Navigate to your system console bundles (/system/console/bundles) and search for "Contently Core Bundle." Expand the "Contently Core Bundle" entry and verify that all dependencies for the Contently connector have been met under the "Imported Packages" subsection. Errors will appear in red.



AEM Configuration

To follow the steps in this section, you will need admin privileges in AEM. The steps in the “Create a Sample Page” section should be completed by someone who regularly creates AEM pages and is familiar with what your final AEM pages will look like when they have Contently content on them. The steps in the “Create a Mapping” section should be completed by someone who is familiar with your AEM fields and components alongside someone who is familiar with your Contently fields and preferences.


Allowlist Contently's Domain

If your AEM instance is installed behind a firewall, you will need to allowlist Contently's domain so your AEM instance can communicate with Contently's API through GET requests. Your AEM instance servers should be able to communicate with all of Contently's subdomains. At a minimum, please make sure you can access Contently's API.


Create a Sample Page

Your sample page should be created by someone who regularly creates AEM pages and is familiar with what your final AEM pages will look like when they have Contently content on them. While someone creates your sample page, your IT Team can jump ahead to the "Set Up Your Contently Cloud Service Configuration" section below.

When you pull Contently content onto a new AEM page, your Contently content, metadata, and assets will automatically appear. To do this, we use a sample page as a model to create and fill in your new page. This way, your new page will use the right template and page properties.

By using a sample page as a model, your new page will also already include the components you use and expect. This helps us put your Contently content and assets right on the page for you—not just in your page property fields but in your existing component fields as well.

Before you continue the installation process, please create a sample page as a model for pages that will use Contently content on them. Sample pages are normal AEM pages. To create a sample page, create an AEM page using any AEM template.

Note: Please view the Sample Page Instructions before you create your sample page.


Update Your Web Console Configuration

When you first install the connector, your UI settings in the Web Console Configuration will be set to Classic UI by default. If you are using Touch UI, please follow these steps to update your UI settings in the Web Console Configuration. These settings directly impact how the connector works and allow us to provide support for both Classic UI and Touch UI.

Note: You only need to complete these two steps if you are using Touch UI.

1. Navigate to the Web Console Configuration page in AEM (/system/console/configMgr). Find "Contently OSGI Service" in the list and click to open it.

2. Choose Touch UI in the "Contently Dialogue UI" drop down and click "Save."



Contently Cloud Service Configuration

Once you install the Contently package and create your sample page, you will be ready to set up your Contently Cloud Service Configuration.

1. To connect AEM to your Contently account, navigate to Cloud Services in AEM (/etc/cloudservices/html). Find the Contently integration in the list and click "Configure now."

    Choose files or drag and drop files
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