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How do I set up a WordPress integration?


This article provides a step-by-step guide for setting up the WordPress integration with Contently. It covers generating an API key on the Contently platform, installing the Contently plugin on WordPress, and configuring the integration settings.



Note: You need to be an org admin in Contently in order to complete these steps.

There are two components to setting up your WordPress integration:

  1. Generating an API key on the Contently platform
  2. Installing the Contently plugin and entering the API key within your WordPress

1. Generating an API key on the Contently platform

  1. Log into Contently and navigate to the Integrations page in your Publication settings.

  2. To view all of the integrations for your organization, click the "All publications" option in the publication drop down.

  3. Click the "Add Integration" dropdown to add a new WordPress integration.

  4. Enter a name for your integration. This name will be used to distinguish your integrations from each other.

  5. Choose which publications should be able to push to this WordPress account. You can share this integration across multiple publications. Click "Save."

  6. The next step is to continue the installation by logging into WordPress. After you click "Save," we will show you a copy of the instructions that you’ll need to continue the installation. We’ll also email the instructions to you so that you—or someone else on your team—can continue the installation on WordPress later. These instructions will include your API key.

Note 1: Your new integration will now appear in the list on your Integrations Page in Contently. Visit this page to edit your integration or test the status. You can always access your install guide and API key from this page.

Note 2: A "Push to CMS" button will now appear on your completed stories. Use this button to push completed content from Contently to WordPress.

2. Installing the Contently plugin and entering the API key within your WordPress

Once you have added a WordPress integration to Contently, the next step is to continue the installation on WordPress. Below are the instructions you or someone on your team will need to continue the installation.


You should have received your API key by email. This API key is also available in your publication settings in Contently. If you did not receive an API key, please make sure you followed the instructions above to create a WordPress integration.

This API key is unique to the integration you created and can only be used with one instance of WordPress. If you need to publish to multiple WordPress instances, you will need to create a second WordPress integration to receive a second API key from Contently.

Install the Contently plugin on WordPress

Note: To follow the steps in this section, you will need admin privileges in WordPress. If you do not see the 'Plugins' menu in your left hand panel when you log into WordPress, please reach out to your IT team for help.

  1. Download the Contently plugin from here.

  2. Log into WordPress and navigate to the "Plugins" menu in your left hand panel. Click the "Add New" button and then the "Upload Plugin" button on the following page.

  3. Upload the zip folder that you downloaded in step 1 and click the "Install Now" button.

  4. After the plugin is installed, click the "Activate Plugin" link to turn on the Contently integration.

  5. To connect WordPress to Contently, navigate to the new "Contently" menu on your left hand panel. Click "Open integration" next to the integration place holder. Enter your API key and click "Update".

  6. After you click "Update," the integration name will update to match the integration name you entered into Contently. That will be your indication that you have successfully connected WordPress to Contently.

Note: To find the API key for your integration in the future, log into Contently and navigate to the Integrations page in Publication Settings. Expand the details for your WordPress integration to view the API key.

Customize Your Publishing Settings

Note: The steps in this section should be completed by someone who is familiar with your content publishing preferences. You will also need admin privileges in WordPress. If you don't see the "Contently" menu in your left hand panel when you log into WordPress after the plugin has been installed, please reach out to your IT team for admin access.

  1. To configure your publishing settings, navigate to the new "Contently" menu in your left hand panel and click "Open integration". Click the "Publishing settings" tab to customize your settings. When customizing your settings, we recommend that you push all content to WordPress as a draft so that you can view your content on WordPress before publishing it live.

  2. After you customize your settings, make sure to click the 'Update' button at the bottom of the page.

Customize Your Mapping Configuration

Note: The steps in this section should be completed by someone who is familiar with your post formats in WordPress and your fields in Contently. You will also need admin privileges in WordPress. If you do not see the "Contently" menu in your left hand panel when you log into WordPress after the plugin has been installed, please reach out to your IT team for admin access. Please keep in mind that the mappings you create in this section will apply to all of the Contently publications that share this integration. More information is available at the bottom of this section.

When you push content from Contently to WordPress, Contently will automatically insert the right details into your WordPress post. Configure your mapping so that Contently knows which fields from Contently match to each field in your WordPress post.

  1. If you have just completed the steps above to customize your publishing settings, simply click the "Post Type Mapping" tab to customize your mappings.

  2. WordPress has a variety of different post types to choose from. Choose whether you want to map all of your Contently story types to one specific WordPress post type or if you want to set up a mapping for each of your different post types in WordPress. If you want to create the same post type every time you push content from Contently to WordPress, choose the first option (and continue to step 3 below). If you want to push content from Contently to more than one of your post types in WordPress, choose the second option (and continue to step 6 below).

  3. Select which post type you want to use. WordPress will create this post type every time you push content from Contently to WordPress.
    Choose files or drag and drop files
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