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Troubleshooting the WordPress Plugin


This article guides you on how to access and share your Contently logs in WordPress. These logs help the Contently product team diagnose any issues with your integration.


How to Access Your Contently Logs in WordPress

1. Navigate to the "Contently" option in the left hand panel in WordPress and then click the "Log" option below.

2. Take a screenshot or download a copy of the Log, Testing, and Mapping tabs. Each of the three tabs contains different diagnostic information.

Note: On the Log tab, make sure to include all of the recent events so that we can see your full recent history. Each event has a timestamp next to it.

3. Click the "Clear log" button at the top right to clear all of your logs.

4. Visit the Contently Settings page in WordPress, open the correct integration, and click the "Update" button under your API key.

5. Return to the "Log" page and take a screenshot of the screen. Make sure the screenshot includes the two events shown in the screenshot below.

6. Send all four pages of screenshots to the Product team at so that we can look into the logs for you.


This article explains how to access and share Contently logs in WordPress. It includes steps to navigate to the logs, take screenshots of different tabs, clear logs, update API keys, and send the logs to the Contently product team for troubleshooting.

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