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How do I add skills and topics to my portfolio?


This article guides you on how to tag your projects with appropriate skills and topics in your portfolio. Proper tagging helps improve your chances of being matched with relevant client work.


For each project you upload, you'll be required to tag it with the appropriate skill(s) and topic(s). This helps our algorithm to learn the type of work you're able to complete. If a client specifically requests a skill or topic that you have listed, it increases your chance of being matched for work—making it essential to complete this part of your portfolio.


To add skills, first click "Edit or add projects" from your portfolio page.

In the list of your projects seen on the next screen, click the small pencil icon to edit the project.

From here, scroll down to find the "Skills" dropdown field. Select up to three relevant skills and click "Save" at the bottom of the page.


Topics will be applied automatically to all of your projects, but you can also manually edit this section. You can find this section right above the Skills section when editing or uploading a project.

Important notes:

  • The skills and topics options available for selection are based on the needs of Contently clients. If you do not see a particular skill or topic listed, please fill out this form with a suggestion.
  • We're unable to decide which skills are the best fit for your projects. If you're between two options, either select both skills or simply use your best judgment.
  • In order to be matched on a particular skill, it must appear at least once in your projects. This means that you do not need to add the same skill to every project on your portfolio. However, we do recommend adding your strongest skills to several projects to increase your chances of being selected.


This article explains how to tag your projects with relevant skills and topics to improve your chances of being matched with client work. It covers the steps to add skills and edit topics, along with important notes on selection and matching criteria.

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