This article explains how to set up and use the multiple authors feature in the Contently platform and map it to your WordPress site. It covers setting up tags for authors, configuring the mapping in WordPress, and assigning multiple authors to a story.
Our WordPress plugin is automatically able to recognize the author of a story so that when you push the story to your WordPress, the author shows up automatically under the "Author" section. The plugin looks through the workflow and is able to identify the author by seeing which workflow step has payment on it.
However, we understand that there are times when you have stories with multiple authors and need a way to push that information to WordPress. Our plugin gives you the ability to do this by using tags.
This article will go over the following steps:
- Setting up the multiple authors feature within the Contently platform
- Mapping the multiple authors feature within your WordPress
- Assigning multiple authors to a story
1. Setting up the multiple authors feature within the Contently platform
1. Once you have successfully set up your WordPress integration, go to the Tags section under your Publication Settings.

2. Create a tag category called "Authors"
3. Create a tag for each author. The tag must follow this format: FirstName@@LastName@@Email. Example: Jane@@Park@@jpark@example.com
2. Mapping the multiple authors feature within your WordPress
1. Go to your WordPress and select "Contently" from the left sidebar

2. Click on your integration and then select "Post type mapping" and then "Configure mapping"

3. Under the "Author" section, select the "Authors" tag category from the dropdown menu

3. Assigning multiple authors to a story
- Create a story
- Go to the Tags tab on the right sidebar
- Under the tag category "Authors," select the author tags from the dropdown menu

This article guides you through setting up multiple authors in the Contently platform and mapping them to WordPress. It includes steps for creating author tags, configuring the mapping in WordPress, and assigning multiple authors to a story.