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Getting Started With Contently


This article provides an introduction to Contently, its features, and how to get started. It covers content creation, management, and the editorial process, along with additional resources for further assistance.


Getting Started

You've recently started working with Contently, and now you're ready to get started creating and managing your content. Below is an overview of what Contently offers.

Please note: your permissions on the platform will depend on what your user role access allows you to use and view. More on user roles here.


What is Contently?

Contently's platform and services enable users to manage and optimize their organization's content lifecycle from beginning to end. We have tools dedicated to content strategy, planning, creating content, activating content, and optimizing and evaluating content performance.


Key Content Production Features

Publication Settings

First things first, set your publication up for success! That means organizing and inputting your content strategy, creating workflow templates and brief templates, designating pitch guidelines for your freelancer team, to name a few important items. Publication Settings is also where your freelance team will live, under "User Management". The lucky freelancers you decide to invite to your team from the "Talent Tab" will be stored in a roster for you to reference as you want to send out a pitch request or assign a story.



No matter what your content program looks like, you'll want to generate fresh content in Contently. To help assist with this, Contently has developed robust ideation tools, including our pitch request feature and SEO Story Ideas.


Create the Story Brief & Workflow

Build out your story brief, where you can outline your expectations for your project. You'll also build out an accompanying workflow, showcasing the order the story will go through and who will be involved during the production and approval process.


Write, edit, finalize and publish content

Time to fine tune that project! Use our Text Editor tool to workshop your story until it's ready to publish.



Organizing Your Content

Contently's Story Library and Calendar tools make it easy to manage and organize your content. You can review what is in development, who's working on what, and share content within your organization. You also may check out our Campaign Tool, which allows content teams to align their content creation activities by organization–wide initiatives.




Not able to access all of these features? There's a chance you have a 'user role' that does not encompass some of this functionality. Reach out to your organization's administrator to learn more.



This article introduces Contently, detailing its features for managing the content lifecycle, including creation, management, and optimization. It provides guidance on getting started, creating and managing pitches, writing and publishing content, and organizing content. Additional resources and support options are also highlighted.

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