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What are workflow templates and how do I set them up?


This article guides you through creating a custom workflow template in the platform. You will learn how to set up steps, assign tasks, and save your workflow for future use.


Workflow templates showcase the order a story will go through and who will be involved during the production and approval process. The workflow will mirror your business' process for content creation within the platform. The workflow creates a clear sense of where and with whom a story stands. A basic workflow demands that a story is created, edited, and approved. You have the ability to create multiple workflows to better fit your needs. Here's how to create a custom workflow:

1. Click on "Publication settings" in the top righthand corner. Then click on "Templates" on the left sidebar. Underneath "Templates" click on "Workflow."

Here, you can create a new workflow template or edit an existing workflow template

2. To create a new template, click on the "Create workflow" button.

3. Give your workflow template a name.

4. Now start setting up your steps!

  • Give each step a title
  • Add a description (this is optional)
  • Set the duration (in number of business days) needed to complete this step. This will save you time from having to set each date manually on the Add Workflow page when you are creating a new story
  • Assign the step to an individual or a team. Most workflow steps are assigned to individuals. We recommend doing this when a user is specifically and/or consistently required in your process. Alternatively, a workflow step assigned to a team will alert and loop in all users on that team (as defined on the User Management page) and the first one to claim the story will be the only person required to approve it. This is recommended for compliance, legal, and teams of SMEs where group approval is only required.

5. To add additional steps, click the "Add step" button on the bottom left.

When you are finished, be sure to click "Save" at the bottom of the page. Note that you have the ability to come back to your publication settings to make edits.


This article explains how to create and customize workflow templates in the platform. It covers accessing the workflow settings, creating a new template, naming it, setting up steps, assigning tasks, and saving the workflow. The steps include adding titles, descriptions, durations, and assigning tasks to individuals or teams.

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