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Uploading and Compressing Files: Best Practices


This article explains best practices for uploading large files, such as PDFs, on the platform. It covers issues users may encounter when uploading files and offers solutions like compressing files to avoid errors or failed uploads.


Uploading large files, especially PDFs, can sometimes lead to issues on the platform. These issues might include failed uploads, error messages, or long processing times. This article provides users with best practices for uploading files and suggests solutions to common problems encountered during the upload process. Common File Upload Issues:

  • Failed Uploads: Large files, particularly PDFs, may fail to upload if they exceed the platform's size limit or if the connection is unstable during the upload.
  • Slow Upload Times: Large files can take longer to upload, especially when the file size is near the platform's limit or the user's internet connection is slow.
  • Processing Errors: Some users report errors after uploading files, where the platform fails to process the file correctly, leading to incomplete uploads or corrupted data.
Best Practices for Uploading Large Files:
To avoid common file upload issues, it’s recommended to follow these best practices:
  1. Check File Size: Always verify that your file meets the platform’s size requirements. If the file exceeds the limit, you may need to compress or split the file before uploading.
  2. Use Compression Tools: Compressing large files, especially PDFs, can help reduce their size and improve the chances of a successful upload. Tools like Adobe Acrobat or free online services can assist in compressing PDFs without losing significant quality.
  3. Stable Internet Connection: Ensure that you have a stable internet connection before starting the upload. An unstable or slow connection can result in failed uploads or timeouts.
  4. Upload During Low Traffic Times: If possible, try to upload files during times when internet traffic is lower, which can result in faster upload speeds and fewer errors.
  5. Monitor the Upload: Stay with the upload process to monitor any error messages or warnings that may appear. This allows you to immediately address any issues that arise.
File Compression for PDFs:
PDFs are one of the most common file types for uploads, but they can often become too large due to images, fonts, and other embedded content. Compressing a PDF can greatly reduce its file size and make it easier to upload. Here are steps to compress a PDF:
  1. Use a tool like Adobe Acrobat or an online service (e.g., Smallpdf) to open the PDF file.
  2. Select the option to compress or reduce the file size.
  3. Save the compressed version of the PDF and check the file size to ensure it's within the platform's upload limit.
By following these practices, users can minimize issues related to file uploads and ensure their files are successfully uploaded without errors.


This article outlines best practices for uploading large files, particularly PDFs, on the platform. Users are advised to check file sizes, compress large files, and ensure stable internet connections before uploading. Compression tools and online services can help reduce file size, improving upload success rates. Additionally, users are encouraged to monitor uploads to address any issues in real-time.

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