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Contently's Kill Fee Policy & Procedure


This article explains the payment rules for freelancers at Contently, focusing on the conditions under which kill fees are applied and how they are calculated based on the work completed and client satisfaction.


At Contently, freelancer payments are not based on whether a story or project is published, but rather to what extent the story or project was completed and if the result meets the expectations laid out in the story brief.

Ground Rules

  1. Kill fees often require a fee reduction. You will only get paid a percentage of the total amount that was locked in on the workflow step at the time the story was killed.

  2. A kill fee will apply when a story has been claimed, but has not yet been submitted. There are two scenarios why this could happen:

  • Client cancels the story

  • Writer is no longer able to work on the story

In both cases, if the writer has already done some work on the story (first draft, preliminary interviews etc.), they will get paid a fraction of the total fee.

Note: All kill fees take into consideration quality of work and client satisfaction.


This article outlines Contently's freelancer payment rules, emphasizing that payments depend on the completion and quality of work rather than publication. It details the conditions under which kill fees are applied, including scenarios where a story is claimed but not submitted, and explains that payments are adjusted based on the work done and client satisfaction.

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