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How long does it take for pitches to be reviewed?


This article explains the process and timeline for pitch reviews by clients and editors on Contently. It also provides steps to follow up on pitches and options for handling expired pitches.



In certain cases, pitches may take several days or even weeks to be reviewed by clients and editors. Every client manages their editorial cycle differently, and marketing teams tend to have more discussion about their content strategies than classic editorial newsrooms. While this often means they're looking to publish frequently, it also can result in pitches going unreviewed.

That being said, Contently encourages clients to review pitches and provide updates within 21 days of submission. After 14 days, feel free to follow up with the managing editor or point of contact on the client side. This can be done by clicking into your pitch and using the comment function on the right hand side. You may tag someone directly by typing "@" and then the person's name so that they will receive an email notification of your comment.

If you do not know who to tag, simply write your comment. When reaching out, it may be useful to not only kindly inquire about your pitch, but also to follow-up on what they're looking for. This shows your contact(s) that you are engaged and enthusiastic about your work. If you submitted a pitch and no action has been taken in 21 days, your pitch will "expire" meaning that the client can no longer accept or decline it and you'll have two options:

  1. Resubmit it to a different client
  2. Click "Edit" and then "Submit" to send it back to the original client for another 21 days

Check out our help center article on more details about expired or declined pitches.



This article outlines the review process for pitches on Contently, including expected timelines, follow-up procedures, and options for handling expired pitches. It encourages proactive communication with clients and provides steps to resubmit pitches if necessary.

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