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Why adding new talent is beneficial


This article discusses the benefits of diversifying your freelance team by incorporating new talent. It highlights fresh ideas, new perspectives, and niche expertise as key advantages.


When assigning stories to freelancers, your team undoubtedly has go-to tried and true creatives—the ones who constantly produce great work, meet deadlines, are communicative, collaborative, and receptive to edits.

While we don’t blame you for rewarding reliable freelancers with more work, to ensure you’re diversifying perspectives throughout your content program, we’re rounding up the top three benefits to trying out someone new and deepening your roster of creatives who can drive your brand strategy.

Firstly, fresh ideas. Receiving the same pitches over and over again? With new talent comes new ideas and unique perspectives. Try experimenting with one or two new writers to jazz up your editorial calendar. This can also help establish SMEs within your creative team for future projects.

Secondly, new points of view. The data is now indisputable; a diverse pool of collaborators, ranging across demographics, backgrounds, professional experience, and more, drives better business results. Look for folks who might be unconventional in your space or have written for publications you’re not as familiar with. You might be surprised by how this adds a unique flare to your content and creates connections to broader audience groups.

Lastly, niche areas of expertise are critical to a successful content program. An expert perspective in your industry will fill gaps with writers who have specific knowledge that’ll prove invaluable to your content program.

Once you’ve added new freelancers to your team, you’ll want to get them up to speed quickly and efficiently, so they can start producing stories right away. A great way to get started is by submitting a pitch request for an upcoming project to explore how they each respond to the prompt. Freelancers know to review your publication’s content strategy and style guide upon being invited to your team, but feel free to send them a welcome message and include any additional information and documents for them to get started.

Contently’s Talent Network is 165,000+ strong, so go ahead and tap into all the creativity that awaits!


Diversifying your freelance team brings fresh ideas, new perspectives, and niche expertise. This approach enhances your content program by introducing unique viewpoints and specialized knowledge. Utilize Contently’s Talent Network to explore new creative possibilities.

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